Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby Tew is on the Way!!

Can't wait to meet this sweet baby girl. Her Mom and Dad were really great--I love the images we were able to get. It was hot out but the session turned out wonderful. It was great to meet you guys.

They are Engaged!!

Take a look at the happy couple!!! Great Session!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Anna's 4 season's senior session. We had a great time driving around Galveston looking for "good sand". Here are just a few that I love. There are so many great ones, Anna--good luck picking your favorites.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The New Website is on the way!!!! It should be up this week and I am so excited. I know it has been forever since I have posted last but I promise, once the new site is up, I will post things daily. Just wanted to share a few pics that will be featured on the new site. These kiddos are amazing--can't wait to share the rest of the pics from the sessions. They will be up soon I promise.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Casting Call

It has almost been a full year since getting Studio K started and I am getting ready to unveil a new website. As a photographer I am always exploring new techniques, new locations and new looks for my photos--and so--I need some help. I am looking for a few new faces to feature on my new site. I am offering a free mini session, with 2 free 5 x7's of your choice, and 1 outfit change of your choice for models who match any of the following casting calls:

Boy or Girl age 4-10 with red hair

Boy or Girl age 4-10 with dark hair and light eyes

Boy or Girl age 4-10 curly hair

Engaged Couple

Family with 2-3 children willing to do an urban session in downtown Houston

Newborn twins or triplets ( I will come to you and offer a few extra photos for free)

Brother and sister, about 2 years apart, ages 4-10

If you or someone you know match these criteria give me a call. I'll be updating this casting call as I work on the site so check back for more information.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Meet Trace

What a sweet baby boy. I photograph so many girls that this little one was a real treat! He is absolutely precious. See for yourself.

Lisa-Senior Rep

Here are some photos from Lisa's second session of her 4 seasons senior package. So many great images to choose from. Here are just a few.

Megan-Senior Rep

Here are some images of Megan at her second 4 seasons photo session. We ventured downtown and found a few great new photo spots. I am still looking for senior reps from Kingwood, Humble, Atascocita, Crosby and Dayton. If you are interested, contact me through the website for more details.

The Dewey's

It was so great to get to visit with Erin again. Here are some great images of her and her family.

Meet Ava

What a sweet baby girl. Ava didn't sleep much but we still got some very sweet newborn shots of her. I hope to get to do another session with her soon.

Snider Family

What a fun session and what a beautiful family!!! See for yourself--these 3 girls are gorgeous!!

A few more..

Playing Catch up!

Here are a few images fromt the sessions I didn't have a chance to blog over the holiday session. Enjoy.