Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Casting Call

It has almost been a full year since getting Studio K started and I am getting ready to unveil a new website. As a photographer I am always exploring new techniques, new locations and new looks for my photos--and so--I need some help. I am looking for a few new faces to feature on my new site. I am offering a free mini session, with 2 free 5 x7's of your choice, and 1 outfit change of your choice for models who match any of the following casting calls:

Boy or Girl age 4-10 with red hair

Boy or Girl age 4-10 with dark hair and light eyes

Boy or Girl age 4-10 curly hair

Engaged Couple

Family with 2-3 children willing to do an urban session in downtown Houston

Newborn twins or triplets ( I will come to you and offer a few extra photos for free)

Brother and sister, about 2 years apart, ages 4-10

If you or someone you know match these criteria give me a call. I'll be updating this casting call as I work on the site so check back for more information.